QP Design Nio RDA is another amazing product from the masters of quality and design at QP Design. The QP Design Nio RDA is a single coil RDA that uses a bottom and side airflow to enhance flavor and boost cloud production. Additionally, built into this RDA is a unique over-squonk release port that are featured underneath the lower deck bridge just under the airflow.
-Airflow and deck-
-Bridge design airflow directed to the bottom and sides of the coil.
-Over squonk release ports on the lower bridge under the airflow.
-Top airflow intake to reduce leaking.
-Single coil (Fits up to 3.5mm coils)
-Squonk rsa/rda (Designed more for Squonking)
-Postless deck
-22mm Diameter
-24mm with beauty ring
-Top airflow design
-Bottom and side airflow (to coils)
-Over squonk release ports under the deck(bottom airflow)
-Black top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Clear top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Blue top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Green top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Red top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Purple top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Ultem top cap + 510 Drip tip + beauty ring
-Side installed screws
-Flat head screws
-Hex grub screws
-Black O-Rings
-Accessory bag
-Serial number